Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Back to the Grind

Last week did not go as planned health-wise.
I've started to make this week a better one, though!

I made this "motivation wall" on a magnet white board to keep on my fridge. (It smudged pretty
badly pretty quickly, unfortunately.)

Today I started a workout routine that has a workout for each day. It starts with the "Starter" level and moves through Levels 1, 2, and 3. I'm hoping that having small steps to improve each day will help me stay motivated to get moving.

I also started reading a book about yoga because I would like to start working on it. Someday I would like to start going to classes, but until I can, I'm going to learn what I can in order to do it on my own.

Hooray for learning new things!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Week 2 of my Journey

It turns out that I'm even more terrible at posting regularly than I thought!
But hey, I'm only 3 days late for the weekly post.

Last week I managed to work out for the 3 times I had aimed for. One of those was doing a "dancercise" video with my sister. It was supposed to be Latin Salsa, but I still have no idea how to do the salsa. It was fun, though! A lot of the moves were ones we had done in the Panther Marching Band (we danced a lot for a group of band geeks!), so it was fun to do some of it again.

This week isn't going so well. I started my second student teaching placement and have been spending my evenings getting materials together in order to apply for jobs. I'm hoping to do something tonight because I think I'll have a little more time. My plans for the weekend are a little up in the air at the moment, so it's difficult to plan ahead for getting in more movement.

One thing I've been doing well lately is that I've made some suppers that are meant to feed four and started embracing the concept of leftovers. If I keep it up, I'll be able to have a whole week worth of leftovers in my freezer for sometime when cooking just isn't going to happen. Currently, I have servings of two different types of pasta + protein casseroles waiting for me.

I'll try to keep you updated on my progress through my new journey!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Finally Starting a New Journey

For the past couple of years, I've been meaning to eat right and get active. I do a bunch of research to learn the best ways. I'm practically an expert.
Yet I've never been able to stick to a new "lifestyle." I truly enjoy working out, and healthy foods are appetizing.
For the longest time I told myself that I was too busy to get to the gym. I had assignments with deadlines. And after all, sleep is an important step to weight loss!
I'm now officially less busy than I've been since middle school. I can't use that excuse anymore, but I still find it hard to get going.
Today that will change. I'm not worrying too much about what food I eat- I'll eat what I want. I just won't let myself eat out as much as I use to.
I'm getting active. I'm planning on having some kind of workout at least three times a week, more when I feel up to it. The best part? My workouts can be just about anything active.
The weather is improving, so hopefully I'll be able to get out to walk, jog, ride my bike, or enjoy some other outdoor activity. Otherwise, cleaning my apartment and dancing around both count!

My first step along my journey is commit to this blog! I'll check in about once a week with an update of how it's going and what's motivating me at the moment.

Day 1 of my Journey:
I'm getting active TONIGHT. I've got some great music playing, and I can't wait to enjoy my empty apartment in order to dance like a lunatic!
My current motivation is imagining the faces of friends that I don't see very often when they see my new, fit body! (I guess that's one perk of being fairly secluded lately!)

If you want to join the journey with me, comment below. We can hold each other accountable!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


I kind of hate writing blog posts without having pictures to include. But, well.... I've been slacking at taking pictures lately. That's only partly because I haven't done anything very interesting.

I'm in my last week of student teaching at my first school. I've made breakthroughs with these kids, and that feels awesome. More than one student has told me that they wish I could stay. One even said, in a very distressed way, "You can't go! I like you!" It was very touching.

I'll be making around 9 dozen cookies tomorrow night so that I can share with all of my students and the rest of the high school staff. I'm going to miss these students, especially the ones that are in classes of 8. Those students are the ones I've gotten to know pretty well. Too bad it's not more practical to have that small of a class size everywhere!

Anyway, hopefully I'll be taking more pictures and having more interesting things to blog about soon! For now, here's a couple pictures I took while in England. Because I want to go back to England as soon as possible.