Friday, May 16, 2014

Food inventory

I made a decision to be able to move at least one pin on Pinterest to my "Accomplishments" board each week of the summer.
The first one I've completed was based off of this pin.
I've been working on emptying out my freezer while I don't have a roommate so that I can defrost it, but I kept forgetting what I actually had, so I wouldn't incorporate it into my meals or snacks. Writing each item in my freezer and fridge on the actual fridge helps me know exactly what I have.
I added the freezer contents to the whiteboard I keep on the freezer door. Everything in the fridge is written on the actual door, separated by drinks, food, condiments, and snack drawer.
I checked before writing it all out that the dry erase markers would actually erase off the door, and it worked quite well.

Now, I'm hoping to be able to do an inventory of my cupboards as well so that I don't always have to search through them to find the things that have gotten pushed to the back!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Birthdays are Weird

Today is the day. The one day a year I get contacted by people I haven't heard from in a year. It's brought up a lot of issues in my mind today.
Do I respond to each individually?
Do I respond to the people who seem to have put some thought into their posts?
Do I wait until 12:01 tomorrow morning and post a general "Thank you" status?
Do I use the posts as an opportunity to rekindle old friendships?
That's part of the problem- I've tried that. In the past, someone would post on my wall with a generic "Happy Birthday" message, so I would respond with a thanks and ask how they've been doing. Only to realize they don't REALLY care about my life or birthday- they just wanted to post to let me know they still remember I exist thanks to Facebook reminding them that it's my birthday.

But all in all, birthdays are weird. I went to my first day of my summer class this morning and forgot it was my birthday. But then a friend walked in and told my happy birthday. And then the group of strangers I was sitting with were all "Oh it's your birthday? Happy birthday!" I don't know about you, but I find it odd that people who don't even know my name would wish me a happy birthday. Yes, it's the courteous and socially acceptable thing to do. But it's weird when you think about it.

All that being said, I've spent my day so far in class, at work, buying books, and doing homework. Other than my family coming down to take me to dinner, nothing is special about today. I kind of miss the childhood excitement of "YES! I'M ANOTHER YEAR OLDER!" That has kind of gone away now.

I'm old. Yay?